Learn How to Succeed at Increasing Digital Banking Services Adoption

Company: Digital Onboarding, Inc.

Value prop: A digital engagement platform that motivates members and customers to adopt account-related services like online and mobile banking, new digital features, and direct deposits.

On this webinar, we will show you how to deliver highly personalized emails, SMS messages, and step-by-step digital guides to make it easy for new account holders to take action and for existing account holders to make the switch during a systems conversion.

Core product offering: The Digital Onboarding platform

Company contact leading webinar: John Wallace, Chief Sales Officer

John leads the Digital Onboarding sales team and joined the company in January 2018. He previously held leadership roles at financial services companies such as Payveris, Fiserv, ACI, Andera, Entrust Datacard, and Dynamic Card Solutions. John is passionate about helping financial institutions compete, win, and grow by leveraging digital technology to reduce customer friction and drive adoption of digital products and services.

Company additional attendees: Laurie McLachlan, Chief Marketing Officer

Is the product currently integrated to Tyfone, how?: In progress.

Do you have any mutual customers with Tyfone today that are live? How many?: No

Is the product available for purchase as a feature on Tyfone contract?: Not yet!

What is a typical implementation timeline?: We’ve helped customers launch in as few as three weeks. Most customers launch within 90 days.


John Wallace
Chief Sales Officer

Digital Onboarding, Inc.
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