Personalize Digital Banking With A Smarter Credit Score Solution

Value prop: Credit Score empowers financial institution consumers to take control of their financial future with easy to understand actionable advice about their credit seamlessly integrated into digital banking. The solution also helps users see potential ways their trusted FI can save them money on new and existing loans and therefore driving new, more qualified, leads to the FI.

Core product offering: SavvyMoney is a leading provider of credit scores, pre-qualified loan offers and analytics—helping financial institutions further personalize the digital banking experience.

Is the product currently integrated to Tyfone, how?: Not yet

Do you have any mutual customers with Tyfone today that are live?: Not yet.

Is the product available for purchase as a feature on Tyfone contract?: Not yet, but SavvyMoney and Tyfone are exploring an official partnership.

What is a typical implementation timeline?: The average SavvyMoney implementation is only 4-6 weeks and less than 5 hours of work on the FI side.


Chris Fraenza
SVP, Sales & Partnerships

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