The tyfone Difference
We Really Do Get It!
Digital banking moved from a “nice to have” to a “must have” decades ago. However, even after digital banking was well into its “must-have” phase, it was still somewhat of a commodity. As a community financial institution, you found a digital banking platform that struck the right balance between cost and feature-functionality and then marked off the digital banking box on your technology checklist. Digital banking was simply one of many services your FI offered.
Today digital banking is more than a service. Digital banking is your entire brand. This isn’t hyperbole. For an increasingly large number of accountholders, your digital banking presence is the only way they experience your FI. All the billboards radio spots and charity events in the world can’t make up for an inferior digital banking experience. If you don’t get this one right, many accountholders will defect. And the ones you’re left with may not be your best accountholders.
Like most companies, tyfone has a mission statement and a vision statement and so forth. However, you can distill all of that down into one simple idea: Our goal at tyfone is to make sure our FI clients get it right.
Nice talk, but how do we back that up?
First of all, we put the highest priority on the human component of digital banking for your retail customers and your business banking customers. We look for the right cultural fit with prospective clients and have turned away a few because we just weren’t feelin’ it, for lack of a better term. We also communicate with our clients. A lot. If you’re looking for a “set it and forget it” digital banking provider, we’re not the one for you.
Next, we’re committed to creating a great user experience – for all your users. That includes your accountholders, your employees and your executives. For your accountholders, our nFinia platform is unmatched in usability. For your employees, our harmoney Management Console™ makes it easy to manage, configure and reconfigure the entire system as needs change. And our open, API-driven architecture ensures that when your executives decide to implement a new product or service, your digital banking platform is ready.
This leads to our third important differentiator. Having an open, API-driven architecture is one thing. Having a philosophical commitment to an open, API-driven architecture is quite another. We don’t just pay lip service to openness. We’re on a mission to create the strongest, most comprehensive digital banking ecosystem in the industry. And we can only achieve that by welcoming third-party partners with open arms. With nearly 200 integrations to our credit, we’re off to a good start, but we know this is a never-ending journey.
At its core, tyfone is a company full of people who get digital banking, all working to ensure that our clients get it right.