
The Digital Banking Blog

From press releases to in-depth interviews with community financial industry experts, our blog covers everything you need to know about digital banking, digital payments, and the latest industry news for credit unions and community banks.

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By Tim Scholten, President and Founder of Visible Progress LLC, a credit union and community bank consultancy. Written By: Tim [...]

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In Their Shoes

Explore firsthand experiences from our incredible customers. Leading financial institutions nationwide partner with Tyfone to achieve strategic objectives, retain accountholders, acquire new business, [...]

The Point Solution Paradox

A point solution is any software that’s designed to address a single use case or solve one specific business [...]

The tyfone Difference

We Really Do Get It! Digital banking moved from a “nice to have” to a “must have” decades [...]

Buzzwords 101: Cryptocurrency

Before we get into what cryptocurrency is, it’s important to clarify what cryptocurrency isn’t. Specifically, cryptocurrency is not blockchain. [...]

Buzzwords 101: Open Banking

Do you remember about 20 years ago or so when account aggregation first became a thing? Various companies, known [...]

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