The Digital Banking Blog
From press releases to in-depth interviews with community financial industry experts, our blog covers everything you need to know about digital banking, digital payments, and the latest industry news for credit unions and community banks.
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Tyfone boasts one of the most recognizable brands in the digital banking world - in part due to its signature Red Chucks.But the Portland, Oregon-based fintech, which began operations under a different [...]
Most Recent Articles
Building a Future-ready Digital Banking Platform with Siva Narendra
Siva Narendra, the CEO of Tyfone, recently joined the Banking Transformed podcast hosted by Jim Marous, co-publisher of the Financial Brand. [...]
How To Streamline Internal Operations With Automated Loan Payments
Implementing automated loan payment systems in financial institutions streamlines internal operations, enhances employee productivity, and improves job satisfaction. Automation reduces errors, fosters [...]
Why Your Account Holders Need A Real-Time Loan Payment Solution
In a tech-driven world, financial institutions offer innovative real-time online loan payments, like Tyfone's Quick Pay, providing immediate confirmation, customizable options, self-service [...]
Ensuring Uninterrupted Service: The Importance of Live-Live Cloud Redundancy in Digital Banking
In the world of online banking, cloud computing has become the backbone of modern financial services. It offers high scalability and efficiency, [...]
Press Releases
Tyfone Celebrates 100th Episode of Digital Banking Podcast with Industry Legend, Margarete Mucker
~ A pioneer of change, Star One Credit Union veteran shares her philosophy for driving innovation and impact ~ PORTLAND, Ore. – [...]
Diamond Credit Union Selects Tyfone for Digital Banking Services
~Credit union invests in full suite of digital services to enhance consumer banking and expand commercial banking functions to improve financial wellbeing~ [...]
All Articles
5 Yoda Quotes You Can Apply Today
In honor of May the Fourth, a.k.a., Star Wars Day, we’ve assembled the top five quotes from the great [...]
5 Things That Show Tyfone Cares
Over the past five years, tyfone has doubled down on its commitment to providing Dramastically Better Digital Banking™ to [...]
Successful Tech Projects: 5 Potential Pitfalls
While a digital banking conversion is one of the two biggest technology upgrades your financial institution can make (the [...]
After the Ink Dries: 5 Things to Look Forward to When You Sign a New Digital Banking Contract
You talked with your peers. You sat through the demos. In short, you did your due diligence. You chose [...]
Let’s Get This Party Started: What to Expect from Your Digital Banking Conversion
With the possible exception of a core data processing conversion, a digital banking conversion is the most impactful technology [...]
When Bad Things Happen to Good FIs: 5 Possible Vendor Responses
Technology is wonderful. You’ve probably thought that yourself more times than you can remember. If you were around in [...]
5 Key Values to Look for in a Digital Banking Provider
There are typically multiple areas that need to line up for a digital banking provider to be the right [...]
Build, Buy or Partner?
It’s the age-old question faced by every financial technology creator that’s ever existed. When it comes time to add [...]
The Importance of Having a Bold Goal and Clear Mission
Jay Tkachuk Chief Digital Officer Golden 1 Credit Union You can achieve amazing things if you have [...]
Creating a Genuine Brand
Aaron Wollner Chief Marketing Officer Quontic Bank If you want to develop a brand voice and connect with [...]
Finding Your Place Among the Megabanks
Austin Adams Retired Chief Information Officer JP Morgan Chase If you are a community bank, there is [...]
The Mechanics of Innovation
Ben Maxin Chief of Digital Strategy & Innovation Michigan State University FCU If you want to attract [...]
Getting Technology Right, with Danny Payne
Danny Payne Sales Director of Digital Experience Jack Henry Fintech is a highly competitive space. But one [...]
The People Component of Digital Transformation
Kareem Refaay Managing Director The London Institute of Banking & Finance You can improve a process and [...]
Disruption, Transformation and Strategy
Ron Shevlin Chief Research Officer Cornerstone Advisors If you want to work on the digital transformation of [...]
Using Customization to Cater to Your Customers’ Needs
Bill Kinnelly CEO KGA Advisory, LLC Accountholder expectations continue to evolve, and it's up to FIs to [...]